Tuesday, October 27, 2009

COMING SOON: ReUse Project 3!!

REUSE PROJECT 3 in Tel Aviv!!
Like it or not, abandoned and neglected spaces are a global bi-product of industrial areas. Due to the wasteful nature of capitalist ideologies, “real world” problems, like “homelessness”, “poverty”, and “social alienation” never seem to get solved, yet rethinking and reusing these neglected and abandoned spaces could at least help to ease these “societal ills”. Reusing these public spaces causes us to see these spaces without economic glasses; it helps to see thru a more social lens & potentially reverse the process of these problems around the world...
This year, the INSPIRE Collective and over 100 public artists are proud to invite you to join us for ReUse Project 3 in Tel Aviv, November 19th! As the Middle Eastern temperatures start to cool down, the INSPIRE Collective is hard at work preparing the abandoned site to become a temporary public art gallery and exhibition space…
More info coming soon to:
Also see: www.flickr.com/groups/reuseproject3

Saturday, October 24, 2009

עבוֹדָה בְּתַהלִיךְ : אמנות רחוב

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-US&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:bc50b29d-c29f-49fc-90f7-377ea48b6d3e&showPlaylist=true" target="_new" title="Trailer">Video: Trailer</a>

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ame72 Solo Show: TOMORROW @ Kishon Gallery

TOMORROW NIGHT: Long time friend of the INSPIRE Collective, Ame72 is having his solo exhibition @ Kishon Art Gallery on 31 Frug St. in central Tel Aviv! Ame has been putting a lot of hard work, time, and dedication into this exhibition for months, so when we he invited us to come see a preview, we couldn't resist...if you're in Tel Aviv tomorrow night, Kishon Gallery is the place to be for Ame72's solo show...small teaser below:

"AME72 often uses stencils and generates freehand spray paint works with intense colors and clean sharp lines. In the same way as Pop art which removes the material from its context and isolates the object, AME72 uses these mass-produced molded smiling toy puppets, as a mean to transmit a message. Messages borrowed from the urban texture and aimed towards the society's characteristics: economic abundance, consumerism, and commercialization. Says AME72: "We have got the tools to send out a positive message of peace... it's a necessity! Whatever happens, there's always going to be pain and hurt... I try to make stuff that makes people smile". Using un-standard art materials in his works, as comics and short texts full of humor and defiance towards society, as can be seen in his most notable pieces: 'Where's the missing peace?' done on the Israeli security wall in Bethlehem, and 'Rooms for rent' done outside Buckingham Palace in London, which highlighted homelessness in the UK." (continued)...
"The exhibition features works that emphasize the fact that there is no distance between the functional and the aesthetic or moral conflict between the desire to keep the brutal and non-controlled aspect of the street - and the institutionalization and acceptance of artistic institutions. However, the essence from which they evolved doesn't leave them as they move to the walls of the gallery."

Check out AME72's site for more info.
Cheers to AME72 & WE'LL SEE YOU THERE!