Like it or not, abandoned and neglected spaces are a global bi-product of industrial areas. Due to the wasteful nature of capitalist ideologies, “real world” problems, like “homelessness”, “poverty”, and “social alienation” never seem to get solved, yet rethinking and reusing these neglected and abandoned spaces could at least help to ease these “societal ills”. Reusing these public spaces causes us to see these spaces without economic glasses; it helps to see thru a more social lens & potentially reverse the process of these problems around the world...
This year, the INSPIRE Collective and over 100 public artists are proud to invite you to join us for ReUse Project 3 in Tel Aviv, November 19th! As the Middle Eastern temperatures start to cool down, the INSPIRE Collective is hard at work preparing the abandoned site to become a temporary public art gallery and exhibition space…
More info coming soon to:
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