These buff mark inspirations from Idiot the Wise (aka: INSPIRE) who had this to say about anti-street art buffing:
"In order to create something we first make the space to hold it...
Most cities on our floating rock in space seem to think that white blocks and grey squares are the solution to stopping free seems a bit funny to me to try and stop something that simply won't or can't be stopped...
We demand respect as artists freely giving our art to the people! No matter what you or i say, it seems they may never be able to silence the voice of the voiceless...we will always find a way to create our art and express ourselves freely in our environments...It is quite natural for us to creatively interact with the urban environments... By using an inertia already present we can direct energy such as "anti-graffiti" buffing for the advantage of free public communication, expressions, and art...". - Idiot the Wise
Seen on the streets of Tel Aviv...